Our educational world experiencing rapid development, making it the human quality Indonesia continues to increase, but many also expressed though the quality of Indonesian human knowledge increases, but does not offset the existing moral. It was also made a lot of character and education practitioners in Indonesia that currently have or are facing moral degradation.
It is important for us to know, how to improve education in Indonesia, not only in terms of their students' cognitive yet thoroughly. But before we look for solutions on how to improve education in Indonesia, need to be understood in advance what dimaksut with education. Lah to memmberikan understanding of it, then I will here give the definition of education, according to experts. Here are some definitions of education according to the experts:
1. Prof. H. Mahmud Yunus
Yunus said that education is an attempt deliberately chosen to influence and help children aimed at improving science, physical and morals so slowly could deliver the child to the aims and ideals of the most high. Mahmud Yunus emphasized education as a diunakan effort to help children reach their goals.
2. Prof. Dr. John Dewey
John Dewey said that education is a process of experience. From the definition, it stresses the John Dewey to implement education as an experience. he believes that by providing experience in education makes the students come to understand things in learning.
3. Driyarkara
Education is defined as an attempt to humanize a young man or a young man appointment to the human level. (Driyarkara, Driyarkara About Education Foundation Canisius, Yogyakarta, 1950, hlm.74.)
4. Stella van Petten Henderson
Education is kombinasai of growth and human development with social heritage. Kohnstamm and Gunning (1995): Education is the formation of conscience. Education is a process of self-formation and self-determination in an ethical manner, conformed to the conscience.
5. M.J. Langeveld
Education is an attempt to guide human immature to maturity. Education is an attempt to help the child to perform the duties of his life, to be independent and responsible discretion. Education is also defined as efforts to achieve self-determination and responsibility
6. Prof. Herman H. Horn
He believes that education is a process of adjustment higher for a creature that has evolved physically and mentally free and conscious of God as manifested in the environment, intellectual, emotional and willingness of humans.
7. Frederick J. Mc Donald
Argued that education is a process that the direction and the goal is to change human nature.
8. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
Education is a learning process for each individual to achieve knowledge and a higher understanding of the particular and specific objects. Formally acquired knowledge of the results in each individual that has the mindset, behavior and morals in accordance with the education obtained.
9. Thedore Brameld
The term education contains extensive functionality of the breeder and the improvement of life of a community, especially bringing community members who are new to shared responsibility in society. So education is a process that is more extensive than the process that takes place inside school. Education is a social activity that allows people to stay there and grow. In complex societies, this educational function specialization and institutionalized experience with formal education who always keep in touch with the process of informal education outside of school).
10. Ki Hajar Dewantara
He said education is a growing demand in the lives of children. The idea is that education leads all the forces of nature that exist in learners so as human beings and members of the public can reach salvation and joy of life as high.
11. Stella van Petten Henderson
Education is a kombinasai of growth and human development with social heritage.
12. Kohnstamm and Gunning
Education is a creation of human conscience, that education is a process of formation and self-determination in accordance with the ethical conscience.
13. H. Horne
Stating that education is a process which is carried out continuously from a higher adjustment for man who has grown physically and mentally.
14. ThompsonPendidikan are environmental influences on individuals to make changes that remain in the behavioral habits, mind and nature.
15. Ahmad D. Marimba
Argued that education is a process carried out consciously guidance by educators to a process of physical and spiritual development of students, which is the goal for learners terbetuk personality with very superior. Personality is meant is significant enough in private is not only smart, clever academically course, but both also characters
16. J.J. Russeau
Education is a debriefing that does not exist at the time of the children, but needed in adulthood.
17. Carter V. Good
Deciphering education as a process of development of a person's proficiency in the form of attitudes and behaviors that prevail in society. The process by which a person is influenced by environment guided specifically in the school environment so as to achieve social skills and can develop his personality.
18. Education Encyclopedia Indonesia
Explaining about education, namely as the process of guiding people or students of darkness, ignorance, stupidity, and intelligence knowledge.
19. The Education Law 20 of 2003
Education is an attempt conscious and planned to create an atmosphere and the learning process so that learners are actively able to develop the potential that exists within him to have the spiritual strength of religious, good personality, self-control, morality, intelligence, and skills required by itself and the public.
20. Insan Kamil
Education is a systematic conscious effort to develop the existing potentials in man to be whole human beings.
21. Ivan Illc
Education is a learning experience that takes place in every neighborhood and throughout life.
22. Edgar Dalle
Education is a conscious effort made by the family, community, and government through the activities of guidance, instruction, and training, which took place in the school and outside the school lifelong to prepare learners to be playing a role in a variety of environmental fixed for the future come.
23. Ngalim Purwanto
Education is all matters of adults in interaction with children for physical and spiritual development leads to maturity.
24. Hartoto
Education is a conscious effort, planned, systematic, and continuous in an effort to humanize humans.
25. Law No. 2 1989
Education is a conscious effort to prepare students through guidance, instruction, and training for its role in the future.
26. The Guidelines
Education is a conscious effort to develop the personality and ability inside and outside of school and lasts a lifetime.
From the definition above is actually a few experts can be concluded that education is a conscious effort to make the process of skills development of every human being as a whole, increasing the level of knowledge Manusa of not knowing to knowing.
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