Right chest pain could be associated with a heart attack. Although general n ya heart attack was on the left, right chest pain remains noteworthy because can indicate serious health problems.
Right chest pain rarely noticed because people concentrate on the heart in the left chest. In fact, right chest pain associated with some serious diseases which afflict the body, especially in the elderly.
more about the right chest pain - alodokter
Signs Perceived Body
There are some physical symptoms that can be felt when a person experiencing chest pain to the right, they are:
Pain in the chest while changing body position.
Stinging sensation in the chest or behind the breastbone.
Pain in the chest stung.
Chest feels like squeezing, pressure, and tightness.
Pain when breathing, especially when lying down.
Feels backflow from the gastrointestinal tract in the mouth.
Related Conditions Chest Pain to the Right
Here are some of the causes of pain in the right chest:
Virus infection causes flu and cough may be responsible for the onset of pain in the right chest. The pain will be increasingly felt when coughing and perform deep breathing.
Stress can aggravate a person's digestive tract disorders. If the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted can trigger pain in the right chest.
Sports or activities that involve excessive chest muscle can cause chest pain right. This pain is usually derived from muscle aches and deteriorated when driven right pectoral muscle.
Lung problems that can cause chest pain right part include pneumonia or lung tissue infection and pleurisy or inflammation of the lining of the lung. There is also a pneumothorax, a condition lung collapsed because of external trauma so the air pressure in the lungs and troubled breathing. Embolism or blockage of blood vessels in the lungs can also make the right chest pain.
Inflammation of the liver or hepatitis can also be one of the health conditions are responsible for the rise of right chest pain. Location of the liver adjacent to the chest wall right is the cause why the right chest ached when the heart is in serious trouble.
Injuries to bones, muscles, and nerves can also cause chest pain right. A broken right rib will cause the right chest pain, especially when breathing and coughing. Muscles and tendons are located between the ribs right could also suffer injuries due to coughing too hard or movements that cause pain right chest.
Digestive problems can also cause chest pain right. For example, GERD or acid reflux that can cause pain and tenderness in the right chest because of the esophagus and the heart share the same neural networks. Inflammation of the pancreas also causes pain in the lower right chest especially when lying down. The pain caused by inflammation of the pancreas will get better every time leaning forward facing. In addition, peptic ulcers also potentially make the right chest pain.
Ask for Help Doctors and Emergency Conditions
Because the chest has a variety of organs that are vital to the body, so do not underestimate if chest ached. Some of the conditions right chest pain accompanied by the following conditions shall ask the help of a doctor:
It's hard to swallow.
Fever, chills, or cough while greenish yellow sputum.
Right chest pain is severe but does not go away.
Meanwhile, a condition that needs immediate emergency aid request is if the right chest pain accompanied by the following conditions:
There was a sudden attack in the form of tightness and severe pressure on the sternum.
After a long time do not exercise, suddenly felt chest pain accompanied by difficulty breathing.
Chest pain radiating to the left arm, back, and jaw.
Heart rate or blood pressure too low.
Increasingly rapid heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, pallor and excessive perspiration.
Handling is quick and early prevention would be helpful to the success of the treatment and prevention of the causes of pain right chest.
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Chest Pain
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