Addressing Cough In Children

Addressing Cough In Children

At the turn of seasons or transition, a lot of people who have a cough. Not only for adults, cough in children can also interfere with daily activities.

What needs to be understood, cough is a symptom that is protective to the body. Coughing is the body's natural attempt to remove mucus or foreign objects out of the lungs and the air flow is blocked.

addressing cough in children - alodokter

Efforts Removing Mucus
During cough in children does not lead to eating disorders, drinking, breathing, and there was no sound accompanying wheezing, was not to worry. While this may seem annoying, cough helpful actually clean up phlegm or mucus from the chest and the back of the throat. Some causes of cough in children, among other things:
Flu often triggers reactions coughing as the body's natural attempt to remove the mucus from the back of the throat.
Bacterial or viral infections can also trigger a cough accompanied by shortness of breath and fever.
Symptoms of asthma. Characterized by a cough that occurs in the long term, after the kids running around or cough appear / worse at night. This type of cough is often accompanied by the sound of wheezing or shortness of breath.
Air or environmental factors. Cigarette smoke or be around the pet can make children coughing.
Home Care
Most coughs in children are caused by viruses. Infections caused by viruses may last up to two weeks. Avoid the use of antibiotics to treat this condition because it is not effective in eradicating the virus.
All the time the child's sleep is not disturbed, it is not necessary medicine for treating coughs. For children under 6 years of age, is not recommended to consume the-counter cough medicine without consulting a doctor.

When the child coughs, parents can help the child feel more comfortable, by the way:

Keeping the child's body gets enough fluids. Warm tea, a warm lemon juice with honey may help prevent dehydration while overcoming the throat that feels dry. But avoid honey in children aged less than one year.
If the cough occurs continuously, use hot water vapor. Try to sit with your child while the child inhale steam from a bowl of hot water for about 20 minutes. Or you can take the child out of the house for a breath of fresh air about 10-15 minutes.
If available, use humidifiers in your child's room who was coughing. Turn before the child slept.
If your child coughs caused by asthma, ask your doctor about a plan proper asthma management in children . Provide the necessary asthma medications are always within your reach. Do not ever give leftover antibiotics or who've taken other family members for your child who is coughing. If the doctor gives medicine to your child's cough, make sure you follow the instructions correctly.
Wary If Accompanied Other Symptoms
If other symptoms that accompany a cough, immediately consult a doctor or take the child to the nearest health unit to get help as soon as possible. For example in case of symptoms:
Difficulty breathing or breathing faster than normal.
Fever gets worse.
Pale or blue lips, tongue, or face.
Fever and cough occur in infants aged less than three months.
Wheezing sound after coughing.
Children looked limp, cranky and uncomfortable.
Dehydration is characterized by dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, crying without tears, sunken eyes, and less urination.
Cough with blood.
How to Prevent Cough
Not easy to prevent coughs in children, but there are several ways you can do to minimize transmission.
In the flu season, you can take children to wash hands frequently to prevent the spread of the virus. Ask an adult in a child's activity you to do the same. Then, do not let your children approach people with flu cough.

Disallow smokers are around the house or a child's activity. Secondhand smoke to children can cause him to face a variety of health risks in addition to cough, among others, asthma, allergies, colds, and others.

Note the vaccination schedule for children. Make sure your child are vaccinated for diphtheria, pertussis / whooping cough , and tetanus (DPT). If necessary, ask the doctor to give special vaccinations for flu.

Cough as a natural response of the body to remove mucus or other foreign matter, must be addressed appropriately. Perform maintenance at home to help relieve the child's breathing, but if the symptoms arise another dangerous, do not hesitate to immediately seek help of medical experts.
Tag : Cough
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