Understanding Dengue

Understanding Dengue
Dengue fever, also known by the general public Indonesia as dengue is a disease that can make a patient's body temperature becomes very high and usually accompanied by headache, joint pain, muscle and bone, and pain in the back of the eye.

Actually, dengue fever and dengue are two different conditions, but the majority of Indonesian people already misguided. Dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a complication of dengue fever ( dengue fever) are deteriorating. Symptoms of dengue fever is quite severe (although at this stage the body heat decreased) of which is damage to the blood vessels and lymph nodes, vomiting with blood, bleeding from the gums and nose, shortness of breath, and swelling of the liver that cause pain around the abdomen.

Because most people already have misconceptions, then this article remain entitled "Dengue" but without reducing the value edukasinya.


The cause of dengue fever
Dengue fever is caused by a virus dengue is spreading occurs through the bite of a mosquito Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Because the insect is mediated by both, the dengue fever can not be transmitted from person to person directly should the flu. Mosquito Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus many breed in densely populated areas, for example in large cities humid and warm climates.

Dengue fever disease problems usually experienced by the subtropical and tropical countries, including Indonesia. It is estimated that there are one hundred million cases of dengue fever that occur in the world each year, even thousands of them infected in a short time due to an outbreak of the disease.

Dengue fever in Indonesia
According to data compiled by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2013, there have been 112 511 cases of dengue fever in 34 provinces in Indonesia. Of these, there were 871 patients who died.

In 2014, cases of dengue fever in Indonesia has decreased. According to data collected up to mid-December 2014, there have been 71 668 cases with 641 of them died.

The above data puts Indonesia as the country's number 1 in the Southeast Asia-related cases of dengue fever. While in the world, Indonesia is number two after Brazil.

Diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever
If you experience symptoms such as flu (eg, headache and high fever) for more than one week, you should consult your doctor. Moreover, if the symptoms are felt after visiting the area that was hit by an outbreak of dengue fever.

The doctors who are used to dealing with dengue fever usually can immediately recognize this disease only from symptoms that you feel. If the doctor who examined you are not sure that you are exposed to dengue fever, the blood tests can be performed for the presence of virus in the bloodstream. In addition to confirm the diagnosis, blood tests can also be conducted to determine the effects of infection of the blood.

Until now there is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever, despite that the treatment of the disease is relatively simple and does not require a special medicine.

Dengue fever can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids, rest, and taking paracetamol and acetaminophen. If step treatment is applied, usually the symptoms of dengue fever will begin to show signs of recovery within 2-5 days.

It is not allowed to consume painkillers type of ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen sodium if you are suffering from dengue fever because it feared could increase the risk of internal bleeding.

Prevention of dengue fever
Here are some of the measures of prevention of dengue fever that you can apply, including:
Sterilize the inside of your home with liquid spray mosquito repellent
Clean the tub and sprinkled powder in order to abate mosquito larvae die.
Close, flip, or if necessary to remove small media other water containers in your home.
Attach a wire antinyamuk throughout your home ventilation.
Installing netting on the bed you sleep.

Wearing mosquito lotion, especially those containing N-diethylmetatoluamide (DEET), which proved effective. But do not use this product in infants who were aged under two years.
Wearing loose clothing that can protect you from mosquito bites.
Conduct gotong royong to clean up the environment
Held fogging to sterilize the environment of mosquitoes and mosquito-jentiknya.

Complications of dengue fever
Although only occurred in a handful of cases, dengue fever can develop into complications more serious, namely dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome which can lead to death due to severe bleeding.
Both are at high risk of complications experienced by people whose immune system is unable to fight dengue infection she suffered, or by a person who had previously been exposed to dengue fever and then exposed to these conditions return.

Immediately brought to the hospital when all around you there are people with dengue fever, whose symptoms lead to dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome.

Symptoms Of Dengue Fever
Here are some of the symptoms of dengue fever, including:
High body temperature can reach 41 degrees Celsius
Loss of appetite
Body feels tired
Sore throat
Reddish face
Joint pain, muscle and bone
Pain in the back of the eye
Swollen lymph nodes
The emergence of red spots on the skin (especially in children)
In rare cases, dengue fever also causes the nose and gums to bleed the very few (different from the bleeding that occurs in hemorrhagic dengue fever in which the volume of blood ejected quite a lot)
Dengue virus require incubation period just like other viruses in general. The incubation period is the interval between the virus first enters the body until symptoms begin to appear. On dengue fever, symptoms usually only be felt after 4-10 days from the entry of the virus through a mosquito bite.

Often it is difficult to distinguish between symptoms of dengue fever to the common cold sore, especially if we had not read the information about the symptoms. Therefore, it is good we immediately see a doctor if anyone in our family had symptoms of dengue fever, as mentioned above in order to prevent worsening conditions.

Some doctors are usually able to recognize only from dengue fever symptoms that patients feel, especially if they're often dealing with this disease. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may do blood tests to detect the presence of dengue virus in the body. Since there are many other conditions that can cause symptoms similar to dengue fever, the blood test is important.
Tag : Dengue
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